Hans J.C. Bakker


Hello neighbors! When are you going to move into Alphabet Music City?


On the right, you see my cat, Amy. She was born in 2016, and in 2021 she came to live with me (a couple of years after my first cat Vlaflip sadly died, but that’s only temporarily). My name is Hans (J.C.) Bakker, and ladies: I’m single! I was born in Holland in 1968 bold and ready. Since 2005 or so I have been developing a new music theory, which is the core of my so-called TOE (theory of everything) I call The E Theory.

All I want is for some others to start using my unique music theory and learning method!


I live in a small town called Limmen, which is in the province of North Holland, not far from the coast and the North Sea. In 2021 for the first time in my life I started to “social” rent a complete and spacious apartment, one that they can not easily kick me and Amy out of! Amy is the sweetest, funniest and most caring cat I have ever known (of course Vlaflip was too) and (like with her) we are living in our own private little paradise;

Because paradise is in the heart!


Other than music theory, making and listening to music, I like to watch TV and YouTube videos as a way to stay informed and educate myself about a wide range of subjects and to pass the time. I Have 3 YouTube channels: 1. Is for those things. 2.’The E Theory’, by AurZones.com is all about my work for and with my music theory learning method, and all other aspects of this much larger theory. And 3.’Hans J.C. Bakker’ is all about my (not so) private life with my friend, the extraterrestrial angel Tom, and the problems we face because of this friendship and the things we do and feel for each other.

Tom and his very large group of alien family and friends are here, still (but not long anymore) unseen by most, to help us humans through our process towards complete and final enlightenment and thus forever, healthy and fully happy life; that’ll be the moment I start having 2 cats and a lot of it again!

Finally, I can say that I like to cook, eat and with it a lot of Dutch liquorice too! I had periods in my life that I was slim and did a lot of sports and other periods that I was overweight, like the one now I’m trying to diet myself out of again.


Your body, what you eat and do with it is like a house; You have to maintain your own house and thus put a lot of time in your body and mind, and only if you love (it) yourself, someone else can learn to love you and thus your body and mind too.